About SBO Foundation

Anchored On Love

Providing Empowerment For Liberation
SBO Foundation is a multidimensional organization focused on creating avenues for growth, poverty alleviation, and financial inclusion through female education and empowerment for female-headed enterprises.

Breaking Barriers

We aim to break the barriers associated with the education of children (especially females), as well as improve the rate of financial inclusion of women in Nigeria, by deploying initiatives that promote equal opportunities to learn, work, and grow.

Our Strategy

We partner with individuals, institutions, and community-based organizations to provide women and children facing extreme poverty, cultural barriers and emergencies access to a life-changing education and financial aids for business acceleration.

Our Vision

Parallel opportunities for all children regardless of gender, culture, age, and socio-economic barriers.


Our Reason

Education is an engine of development and one of the most effective tools for
decreasing poverty, boosting health, gender equality, peace, and stability. Hence,
the importance of education can not be overemphasized. All children, no matter
where they live, or the environmental circumstances, have the right to quality

In Nigeria, the population of out of school children has risen from 10.5 million to 13.2
million in the last 3 years, the highest in the world with majority of the affected
children being girls. Out-of-school children in Nigeria, have encountered issues such
as gender discrimination, disasters and armed conflict, language barriers, household
poverty, child labor, child marriage and other forms of abuse. All these have
contributed to depriving many Nigerian children, especially the girl child of their right
to access quality education.

SBO is a multidimensional foundation focused on creating avenues for growth,
poverty alleviation and financial inclusion through female education and
empowerment for female headed enterprises. We aim to close the gap in girl child
education in Nigeria by providing financial aid, support and empowerment through an
end-to-end approach of educating, counselling and advocating for equal rights.

Our Gallery


Frequently Asked Questions

Find Out More

Who does this foundation support?
We are out to provide support and opportunities for women and children.
Do I need to pay for an application form before accessing support from SBO Foundation?
No! You do not need to pay anyone to access support from the Foundation
Which region of Nigeria does the foundation support?
Currently, our efforts are targeted at the rural region of the Federal Capital Territory