Our Pillars

Towards Creating A Better Future

Fund A Child

Through our partners we are able to provide Scholarships for Out of School Children, supply Books and Stationery as well as facilitate Funding for Soft Skill Trainings for young people in our target communities.

Female MSME Empowerment

With this program, we provide female-headed enterprises with seed funding, counseling, networking, and business advisory services. In addition, we also facilitate and fund vocational/soft skills training.

School Development

Tagged “Renovate & Upgrade”; we embark on school renovation & teacher upgrade projects, specifically to provide Infrastructure, Equipment, Teaching Material, as well as training for Teachers and Administrators.

Advocacy & Support

We champion advocacies, and create sensitization programs to support and educate women. With our “Her Heart-to-Hear” sessions, women receive counselling support for life issues.

Our CID Funding Model


Partnerships with corporates in fulfilling their corporate social responsibility and other humanitarian interventions in the areas of female education and empowerment.


Partnerships with private individuals looking to support the organization’s mandate and vision


Partnerships with local and global donors in facilitating their causes as it relates to female education and financial empowerment for female headed enterprises
